Secondary School Poster Design Competition
「Science as Our Guide, Harmony by Our Side」Secondary School Poster Design Competition aimed at all secondary school students has commenced. For you enthusiastic secondary school students out there, this is a great opportunity to express your creativity and passion for Science via designing a poster!
Participants are expected to create their own poster (including a slogan) either through digital art apps or an A4 drawing paper to bring out this year’s theme, ‘Harmony’.
Exemplary works will be awarded exquisite prizes and gifts in the Joint School Science Exhibition, held in August 2025. Join us now!
「科學照亮前路 和諧源自進步」中學生海報設計比賽現已開始!對於設計充滿熱誠的中學生,這是展現創作力和雄心壯志的最佳機會!
優秀作品將於2025年8月舉行的聯校科學展覽公佈並頒發獎品給予得獎者。立刻把握機會參加,展現自己光彩 !
Submission Method:
Participants must submit their works along with the registration form via or through this link to the Google Form, selecting the correct category. The file name should be set as follows: School Name_Full Name (e.g.ABC Secondary School_Chris Wong).
The deadline for submitting the poster is on 29 June 2025.
Participants are expected to create their own poster (including a slogan) either through digital art apps or an A4 drawing paper to bring out this year’s theme, ‘Harmony’.
Exemplary works will be awarded exquisite prizes and gifts in the Joint School Science Exhibition, held in August 2025. Join us now!
「科學照亮前路 和諧源自進步」中學生海報設計比賽現已開始!對於設計充滿熱誠的中學生,這是展現創作力和雄心壯志的最佳機會!
優秀作品將於2025年8月舉行的聯校科學展覽公佈並頒發獎品給予得獎者。立刻把握機會參加,展現自己光彩 !
Submission Method:
Participants must submit their works along with the registration form via or through this link to the Google Form, selecting the correct category. The file name should be set as follows: School Name_Full Name (e.g.ABC Secondary School_Chris Wong).
The deadline for submitting the poster is on 29 June 2025.
Project Holders' Seminar
Project Holders' Seminar was successfully held on 26 January 2025 in the Hong Kong Science Museum. During the seminar, the J.S.S.E.P.C. and J.S.S.E. were introduced to the Project Holders from different participating schools. Details of the Proposal Competition such as regulations, marking criteria as well as guidance on the preparation work were also announced.
The Preparation Committee Gathering
The Preparation Committee Gathering was successfully held on 31st December 2024 in Kwun Tong. The Preparation Committee members had a fabulous time taking part in a series of team-building games and indulging in the fulfilling feast. The joyful experience certainly helps strengthen the bonding and deepen the understanding between our members.
The 58th Joint School Science Exhibition Prepation Committee
P.O. Box No. 91975, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Hong Kong
P.O. Box No. 91975, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Hong Kong
© 58th Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee 2024-2025. All Rights Reserved.