Theme of the Year 年度主題
Continuity 延續
Continuity along Science, Progression achieves Excellence
Continuity plays an essential role in our daily lives. The continuation of human civilization has constructed the foundations of modern societies and humans’ future endeavours. The degree of pollution of nature has worsened as the world continues to industrialise, posing threats to the natural continuity of ecosystems. Furthermore, due to the vast expanse of water on Earth, the unexplored depths of the sea present immense obstacles to the continuity of humanity. Moreover, the advancement of technology and accumulation of knowledge are inevitable, leading to needs for renovation and betterment of education. Hence, we would like to use “Continuity” as the theme of the year for the 57th Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee. We await Project Holders to design their models with reference to the following scopes: Models are expected to be able to continue the diversity of biological communities with the aid of modern science to promote the preservation and continuity of well-established ecosystems, to solve difficulties that humans may encounter during future sea explorations to assist the continuity of human development and to morph the passage of knowledge to be more efficient with helps from the modern understandings of computer and material science. |
追求科學創新 延續科學精神
在現今的社會,延續一直是人民生活中最關鍵的一部分。人類文明的延續,為現代社會奠定基礎。正因如此,隨着更多市區工業化,自然環境的污染程度亦不斷上升。構成了對生態系統和物種延續的威脅性。鑒於地球上水的佔比率較高,海洋中尚未發展的領域也將成為人類文明延續的巨大障礙。現時,科學技術發展日新月異,急促的發展令人們對以往的科學根基認知日漸薄弱,只好推行新教育,卻同樣為各方面造成不少負擔。 有鑒於此,第五十七屆聯校科學展覽籌備委員會將以「延續」作為年度主題,希望大眾把現有的科學知識傳承下去,並以延續大自然的生物多樣性、協助海洋研究以發掘新機遇及促進教育作為切入點,設計創新的發明,進而提高市民的生活素質及社會可持續發展的可能性,令人類文明得以延續。 |
The 57th Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee | [email protected]
P.O. Box No. 91975, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Hong Kong | [email protected]
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